Well it is 2 am and I am not sleeping. I have always been a night owl so it's not too terrible. I do however have very bad asthma tonight. I have been having an increasing amount of asthma the last week or so. I have also been waking up to my nose running everywhere and my lips bleeding. I have found that "carmex" works wonders for my poor swollen lips. I wonder if one day I won't have these constant lip, sinus and asthma problems as bad as I have had. I searched google for asthma being a side effect of Effexor withdrawal and guess what? It is! Of course it is...everything is a side effect of withdrawal from Effexor. This is a drug made in hell.
Today is my first day of 90mg and it went well enough. I was very fatigued and around 8pm I started feeling extremely strange, anxious and unreal. I felt one big tremor in my head which I think is the "brain shocks" that people speak of. I ended up taking a xanax to calm my anxiety. It worked very well. I don't like taking xanax, it makes me feel very lethargic, but this time it was worth it. Hopefully tomorrow I won't have such bad symptoms. If I do I will handle it though because I have to keep telling myself that this is not a race and my brain is healing. Healing is painful sometimes.
I'm going to go lay down and try to sleep. I think my asthma seems to be getting better, thank God!
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