Friday, December 10, 2010

Effexor Withdrawal --Doctors Lounge(TM)

Effexor Withdrawal --Doctors Lounge(TM)

Here I am again, searching for experiences from others to make me feel less insane. It is working I suppose. I want to hug all these people, because they know how I feel right now. The uncontrollable crying, and rage. I am so angry, so lifeless. I feel everything yet nothing at all.

I am terrified that I cannot get under 30mg without shaking and having tremors like I did last night. I also saw snow, my visual field was cloudy and blurry. I almost thought I was going blind. I thought I was having a heart attack. The brain shocks and other symptoms have been fine, I thought it wasn't as bad as I read, but then comes the 25mg. 25mg is like a shot to my brain.

I am depressed and I don't want to do anything. It is a constant roller coaster and I am thinking about taking Prozac to overcome these last doses. I have read it is easier to wean off effexor if you take the Prozac, then there is no withdrawal to that. I am so confused.

I am also getting my period and maybe that is why it is so bad. Last time I got my period I ended up in the emergency room a day before it came with the nausea and passing out. Is this going to be my pms for the rest of my life without Effexor? OR is this because of the withdrawals?

I didn't believe everything I read online about under 37.5mg being hell. I thought it would be the same as when I was at 80mg or 60mg...but its not...its living torture.

I would love to sue the hell out of these fucks that made this evil pill. The E-Bomb as my husband calls it. I have spent $500 a month on this POISON for 6 YEARS!! Just to find out it this is how it would be when coming off of it? Fucking world full of greedy pricks who just count the dollar signs instead of actually caring for people. Oh well.

Off to my husband's brother's wedding tomorrow, I am terrified that I will start shaking and trembling like I did last night at 3am, or I will have some crazy fit of rage. Maybe I will chug the sangria... :(

1 comment:

  1. Withdrawal from assorted ssri's is no joke at all. I weened myself down off a cliff practically.
