Monday, October 25, 2010

I like this guy.

I love this guy's rant... makes my brain hurt, oh no..wait thats the effexor. F*CK

Lliam of toronto, ON May 11, 2010

what happened? some genius marketing guru realized that the best way to profit from illness was to make a drug that supposedly "relieves symptoms of depression" (nice cover) when the REAL deal is that they are systematically and PURPOSEFULLY addicting hordes of desperate, depressed people who feel trapped by their illness. This drug is WORSE than heroin, or meth.. both of which i have had experience with.. the withdrawal from heroin ONLY lasts a WEEk.. and that isnt even as bad as coming off of effexor.. at least from heroin you are only bedridden, shivering, sweating, vomiting, unable to move or talk.... take all those symptoms, multipoly them by 4, add these super fun and OH SO DESIRABLE body shocks (zaps, shivers, sprongs, whatever people call them) and stretch the duration out over SIX WEEKS.. and then you APPROACH a god description of effexor withdrawals..

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