Saturday, September 18, 2010

The week from hell

I will try to make this short as it is almost 4am and I really should get some sleep. I haven't had the best week in my life. I am actually still on 90mg, I haven't dropped to 80mg as I was supposed to because I didn't think I could handle it this week. Monday was a terrible day for me. Sunday night I felt just fine until I woke up around 6am, feeling very strange. I ended up vomiting and passing out. I thought I had food poisoning. The rest of the day I tried sleeping, calming down and keeping fluids down but nothing was helping. I felt like I couldn't breathe, I kept throwing up and I was so weak I was trembling. I think I was having extreme anxiety also. Anyway, I ended up going to the emergency room still thinking I had food poisoning. They said it couldn't be food poisoning because it was past the amount of time, I must have something else wrong with me. So sitting there, very anxious, the nurse gives me an IV and takes my blood. Right after that I passed out, started shaking and woke up by vomiting. Pretty picture huh? The nurse said I had a seizure. My husband told the nurse about my Effexor withdrawal and he said that was what was wrong with me. I still thought it was so strange thought that my dosing has been going fine and I haven't been feeling horrible except for a some normal withdrawal symptoms. Eventually after waiting a painful 6 hours in the emergency room the doctor told me I didn't have a seizure, that I just passed out and my limbs were shaking because my muscles were tense and weak. He said I had a stomach virus and the Effexor withdrawal probably has nothing to do with it. They gave me some fluids, nausea pills and I went on my way. Since then I have had two bad days of eating, feeling sick and dizzy. Today was my first good day until the night time. Around the time I was suppose to sleep I felt anxious and dizzy, and that is why I am still up at 4am researching Effexor withdrawal. So I am wondering, do you think that my experience in the ER was directly related to the withdrawal? Or was the doctor right in saying it had no coorelation? Maybe even the withdrawal has made my immune system get lower so I had a bad reaction to a normal stomach virus sickness? I guess I will never know, but I am hoping that the vomiting, passing out thing never happens again!! I will be dropping to 80mg on Monday since I have been feeling better, but lets see how the weekend treats me first.

I am definitely going to sleep now! Typing has made me tired =)

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